DIVAS Calendar Front

DIVAS Calendar Front

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Community of Women

It is easy to have this diva-complex... this notion that you know everything and that what ever you know is for the 'good of all mankind' because it is coming from you. That is the problem with the self-centered universe... it usually doesn't provide a space for others to shine because, well, you are in the way.

I must say that this weekend at our first Creative Brunch I was blindsided with the wisdom of others.  As our discussion agenda proceeded and we talked more and more, I found myself listening... listening as if my life depended on it.  In our small circle of women, women who came from all background, perspectives and experiences of life, I found that there is much more to be understood and for the first time in a long time, I was the mentee and not the mentor.

These women spoke of the pain of seeing their daughters being influenced by a society that objectified and culturally molested them.  They spoke of their bad decisions and the need to counteract the message of videos and songs that seemed to hold their daughters in a net of negative choices and consequences.  They spoke of militant action and community consensus to deal with these issues and stand up for their children. 

One mother spoke of the pain of confronting her child with the confession of the bad choices which led to her single motherhood.  She shared how she had to humble herself and tell her daughter the truth in love and communicate her desire to see her loved, settled, and confident in who she is so that her fate would not repeat itself in her.  I saw love in action and I was blessed to be there to hear it.

What would happen if all the mothers and big sisters and aunties of the world surrounded our young women and stood stronger than the Nation of Islam ever has in defense of their virtue, their innocence, and their womanhood.  I got a feeling that is what is happening here... the arms are beginning to link together and we are slowly standing up.  We can not stand idly by while culture degrades our young sisters and turns their minds into brothels... it can not happen on our watch. 

It is time to listen, it is time to take a stand... we invite you to join us.

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